Saturday, September 27, 2014

GALACTOPUS (Atari 2600)

GALACTOPUS (Atari 2600)

A work in progress Atari 2600 game from ATARIAGE USER - KaeruYojimbo

Oh &%$@! Either the advance warning satellites are %&$#!@ again or there's a giant %©#&$ space octopus heading straight for earth! Congressional budget cuts have reduced NASA to launching model rockets in the park but never fear, the private sector is here! For six easy payments of just $199,999,999,999.99, Astr-O-Corp has volunteered to send their prototype low orbit fighter to intercept Galactopus. Since it's still in the prototype phase, the laser cannons aren't powerful enough to destroy Galactopus, but they can chip away his Octonuim armor. Collect eight pieces of Octonium and add them to the ship's reactors and the cannon will be powerful enough to finish Galactopus off once and for all!

Left and right move the fighter left and right (in that order)
Fire fires the laser cannon
Left difficulty B - laser blasts pass harmlessly through octonium pieces
Left difficulty A - laser blasts destroy octonium pieces
Press the fire button on joystick 2 to use it to control Galactopus

Things to do:
Add sound
Add more to Galactpus death sequence
Progressively increasing difficulty by improving AI and/or weapons
Maybe another game setting with the right difficulty switch
Score jackpot based on the number of shots needed to destroy Galactopus

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