Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Legend of the Witch of Wellington (Paranormal)

The Legend of the Wellington Witch 

I use to work a lot in Wellington, Florida and would occasionally see a lady walking dressed like a witch (typical attire included a black dress and black pointed cap with very high platform shoes). I asked several people about the strangely dressed lady and someone told me, "That's the Wellington Witch". Several other people confirmed the Wellington Witch title but knew almost nothing about her. I have not seen her recently and have not worked in that area for a few years. I was reading an article about witches and remembered the Wellington Witch and with the wonders of Google I set out to find who and what the Witch really is.
 It didn't take long to see that other people were interested in the Wellington Witch as well. There is a Wellington Witch sighting page on Facebook with pictures and video of the Lady in Black shopping at Wal-Mart, waiting at a Bus Stop and just walking around the area.


The Facebook page has a lot of sightings and pictures but very little information about who she really is and why does she dress's this way, but they did have a name and another alias. She is Susan Strauss a.k.a. the Lava Lady. The Lava Lady really doesn't make much since unless the hat is suppose to be a volcano.  A little more digging on Google came up with an explanation. 

It turns out that Susan Strauss is something of a Los Angeles, California icon. She was quite a unique attraction in L.A. but looked a little different then she does now. This is a photo of Susan near her old home in Los Angeles. It looks like the same style but it is red instead of all black, is this why they called her the Lava Lady? It turns out that is not the answer. Check out the picture of her house in Los Angeles below, Susan earned the name the Lava Lady by covering her whole house in lava rock.

 When she moved to Wellington, Florida and started wearing all black , she was dubbed the Wellington Witch.  Strauss was infamous in L.A., just as she seems to be now in Wellington.  But, anyone who walks the streets daily with their hair wrapped straight up, in doll-like blush, long velvet gowns, and 5-inch platforms is bound to get a bit of attention!

 Some say Strauss was a model for Rudi Gernreich in the 60s, others label her as a long-lost wife of Dr. Seuss, many claim her to be an heir to the Levi Strauss fortune, and a few are positive she was a member of the Manson family.  But, the Lava Lady/Wellington Witch has only admitted to being a retired poet. 

So we now know her name, Susan Strauss. But which of the rumors are true about her past, if any? I once passed her on the sidewalk and said hi to her, she responded in kind and seemed very nice and soft spoken. I didn't get cursed or have a run of bad luck so if she is a witch I think she is definitely a good witch. One day I hope to see her walking my way again, I would love to hear more on her history and style. Just search for Susan Strauss,Wellington Witch, Lava Lady in Google. There are a lot of photos online and a little more information.

******UPDATED 09/28/2016

Confirmed that Susan Strauss Passed away on Sept. 1 2016.

Susan Strauss Obituary


  1. Amazing sharing my friend! It is very interesting and informative. I've never know about this lady. It is amazing surprise for me. I'm reading your blog during my annapolis air tours. It is a amazing person to get information. I'm also search about Legend of the Wellington Witch. Good Job and Keep sharing.

  2. I live in Wellington off of Wellington Trace. I had not seen her for several months myself and was becoming concerned that something happened to her. I am happy to report that I saw her walking along Wellington Trace pushing what appeared to be a wheelbarrow. She is alive and well!

  3. She is also mentioned in the book, Alibi Man by Tami Hoag. The book is based on the Wellington Polo scene and it's a good read. Ms. Strauss lives on my street! I have said hello to her and she always seems pleasant. She walks to the small post office at the old Wellington Mall, corner of Wellington Trace and Forest Hill a lot.

    1. Hi-I have someone trying to find her. Do you know if she currently resides there?

    2. I no longer live in that area. She was seen last December that I know of.

  4. I've seen her in Wal-Mart recently! I bet she would just love for someone to interview her and share her side of the story instead of hearing all the speculation! I just might say something to her next time I see her!

  5. She has been interviewed and the article was in the Town Crier years ago. I do remember she has a son.

  6. I worked at the Win-Dixie supermarket at Wellington Trace and Greenview Shores Blvd. in the dairy section about 12 years ago. I had heard of her and seen her walking on the sidewalk before. One day she came into the supermarket and asked me if we had a case of strawberry yogurt. We didn't have the case but I was very happy to meet her. She was very nice and I would love to know more about her. If you read this Susan, please tell us a little bit about yourself!

    1. Haha I worked there around the same time. I probably knew you.

  7. She was at Wal-Mart today

    1. I use to see her a couple times a week. No longer work in Wellington. Glad to hear she is still out and about.

  8. Ever since I moved from N.Y in 2003 I use to see her walking the streets, now it's been a long time I haven't seen her. I wonder what happened to her...

    1. She had moved to FLA, but most recently has passed :-(

  9. I heard she passed a few nights ago. RIP to this woman who was a true legend to me...

  10. I would see her walking on Melrose in LA..or the Fairfax Area. My friend would always dare me to say,"hi" to her. She would respond back..in a soft voice She livEd in a house covered in lava..she was known as The Lava Lady.

  11. I would see her walking on Melrose in LA..or the Fairfax Area. My friend would always dare me to say,"hi" to her. She would respond back..in a soft voice She livEd in a house covered in lava..she was known as The Lava Lady.

  12. FACTS about Our Lava Lady... http://antebellumgallery.blogspot.com/2016/09/suzan-strauss-rip.html?zx=afb423304fc67216

  13. A saw her walking at night towards old mall less then a week ago so your date of death is wrong

    1. http://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/news/witch-of-wellington-known-for-her-black-dress-and-/nshJ8/

    2. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/ray-strauss-obituary?pid=1000000181278968

    3. If she came back as a ghost she would be a good ghost for i knew her for many years

  14. Her obit said she died in the beginning of sept

  15. Lorettamisura@gmail.comSeptember 29, 2016 at 4:30 PM

    Oh, so sad to hear that she passed. I looked forward to seeing and had just mentioned to my kids that I hadn't seen her in awhile.

  16. Obit says Sept. 1! So unless it's her spirit then the person is right ..

  17. So sorry we lost our Wellington Witch
    I saw her once in Walmart and again walking down the street.I often wondered where she went,it's a sad thing but just think she had so many friends watching her and I do believe that made her a happy Witch.

  18. So sorry we lost our Wellington Witch
    I saw her once in Walmart and again walking down the street.I often wondered where she went,it's a sad thing but just think she had so many friends watching her and I do believe that made her a happy Witch.

  19. So sad. I seen her in the Goodwill store close to where I live and I wanted to speak with her and never got the chance. :(

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I just saw a post on Facebook placed by a friend in Florida and i was surprised to see the post of sue . I live in Los Angeles and i lived close to her and yes she had a home and it was all black lave rock home and i had a girl friend who lived a few doors away and i met sue and yes she wore 12 In platform shoes for she was very short with out them and she made all her own clothes that she wore. i met her in 1990 and she gave me alot of work to do on her home ,inside and out and i also worked on her other property but she was also a good friend to me and others in the neighbor hood for we would have a cook out sometimes and she would come and was a good friend to many. And people in Hollywood had a name for her and it wasn't witch, it was the alien and i go to west palm every year and we were suppose to meet before i came back to Cal and i went by her home on the 2nd of Sept and couldn't contact her and now i know what happened and that she has past away and she sill be missed and was a great friend

  23. It's so sad to hear that she passed away. She was always apart of my childhood and I'd always see here walking down Wellington Trace or the local Walmart. I've always found her an interesting lady and always wondered what she was up to and I've always wanted to know more about her. I'd say hi to her as a kid and I did see her a few months ago while opening up in my job at the Wellington mall, so if there's is another Wellington witch that would be amazing. I'm not sure on when exactly but it could of before December, 2016 I think it was during either summer or this fall. I wish I didn't move out of Wellington just so I could introduce myself to her and actual get to talk to her. She seemed like a kind woman. Rest In Peace ❤
